At Gateway Funeral Services, we are committed to being the premier choice for families seeking to commemorate the lives of their loved ones in the stunning Eastern Bay of Plenty from Whakatāne, to Opotiki & Kawerau.

Our mission goes beyond delivering outstanding service; it revolves around establishing a comforting and inviting environment where you can celebrate cherished memories with a blend of innovation, contemporary flair, enthusiasm, and compassion. Allow us to assist you in paying tribute to those who have departed this world in a manner that is distinctly personalised and truly extraordinary.

Gateway Funeral Services Whakatane are here for you

Arranging a funeral service in Whakatane

First Steps

If you have just lost a loved one start here to find out the pathway forward. 

Funerals and Celebrations

Burials, Cremations and Embalming, find out all the things you need to know. 


Choose your funeral home from Kawerau or Whakatāne.


All the details on payments and helpful ways to support your family financially through a death/celebration of life. 

Download our Gateway Funeral Services Guide to Navigating the Funeral Journey

Latest News

How to write a Funeral Notice

Announcing a loved one’s passing to the world can feel like a mammoth responsibility. Grief can make the smallest tasks seem insurmountable, but despite that, you’re faced with a long list of “to-dos” while standing in the centre of a swirling storm. The good news is this task is a relativel...
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